How can you help me?
I initially wanted to do a post titled What is lifestyle medicine? What is functional medicine?
There are many, many definitions on the internet that would answer the questions above so I thought rather than rehashing, I'd cut to the chase and answer the question that is *really* burning in most people's minds when they seek my help:
aka What do you do differently and why should this matter to me?
Let me start off by saying that there are roughly two groups of people I am trained to help:
The first group of people with chronic health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, IBS, chronic pain, obesity, and depression. These folks are not satisfied to have an ever-growing medication list with increasing side effects and long-term complications. They want to explore what else they can do to get on top of their health conditions.
The second group is a group who perhaps have not been diagnosed with any chronic illness but recognise that they are not living their optimal lives and would like to invest the time now to prevent ill health from developing later in life. These could be people who struggle with being overweight; getting inadequate sleep; poor concentration. Perhaps they've seen their parents or grandparents end up on a long list of pills, or get diagnosed with colon cancer or have a stroke at an early age. They realise that, unless they make some changes, they will end up going down the same path.
Whichever group you fall into, my approach would be the same: let’s get to the root of the issue. We want to get to the underlying cause of why you feel the way you do or why you've developed diabetes for instance, and address that, rather than just treating the "diagnosis". Using lifestyle and functional medicine principles, we would take an in-depth look at how you currently live, what habits you have around nutrition, sleep, stress management, activity and connectedness. We would then look at what changes you could make in these areas to make lasting improvements to your health and wellbeing. Sometimes we may need to do some blood or stool testing and may recommend some supplements. Ultimately, our goal is to walk you along the journey to better health and improved quality of life.
So if you fall into either of these two categories and want to find out if we'd be able to help you, schedule an Explore call today, by clicking on the button below.